Guildhouse School Makes It To The Finals Of The TikTok Hustle Lab Competition

Students from Guildhouse School London have made it to the finals of the TikTok World Changer Challenge.

The three week challenge – which is part of The Hustle Lab’s virtual work experience programme – involved students developing a Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy for an African clothing company.

Students needed to create a presentation using video and slides suggesting the strategies that they would use to promote the socially responsible employer.

Guildhouse School students made it to the finals of the event facing off against fierce international competition. Students in the finals presented their Corporate Social Responsibility strategy to TikTok judges. Teams had five minutes to present their strategies where the judges looked for clear and compelling ideas from the teams. The judges also grilled them on their pitches in a question and answer session following the presentation.

“This was a wonderful experience for Guildhouse School students to attend this trip where they shared their expertise and knowledge with external students.”

Student Experience

Here is what some of our participating students thought  of the day and their achievements.

Morolaoluwa, a University Foundation Programme Business student: “We were tasked with creating a CSR strategy for a hypothetical company based on what they taught us on their platform and workbook. It was a new topic that we hadn’t learnt, so everything was a unique learning experience, but the most enjoyable part was being able to present our research in front of actual TikTok representatives and meet other teams from different schools.”

Samiia, a first year A Level student: “It was nice to visit the office of a really popular social media company. It was nice to know that our knowledge was enough to get this far.”

Lourenco, a UFP Business student: “I really enjoyed the experience and to learn about how TikTok can be important in the business world to connect school and work and get students to understand how business is conducted in the real world.”

Students from the school got a chance to really put their powers of articulation, presentation and ideation to the test during the competition and achieving a place in the finals was an excellent achievement.

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