Great advice can get you through tough situations. It gives you a needed spark of positivity when you’re down and helps you stay focused in the face of adversity. The best pieces of advice remain with you forever.
We spoke to our students and staff to create a list of the best pieces of advice Guildhouse School has to offer.

“Follow your dreams and be dedicated to things you want.”
Manuela from Brazil

“Don’t put a time limit on your dreams.”
Carmel O’Dolan, Head Teacher

“Try and make as many friends as possible and participate in extra-curricular activities.”
Samiia from Kyrgyzstan

“If you don’t buy a ticket you’ll never win the lottery… it’s not to do with the lottery. It’s saying if you don’t get involved with something you’ll never be able to get anything out of it.”
Christopher Cernuschi, Assistant Principal – Projects and Outcomes

“To be open minded. When you’re open minded you’re always open to new experiences and getting to know people. That’s the best piece of advice I’ve been given.”
Joao from Brazil

“Be patient and smile. This because I was hardheaded when I was a kid, and I would always jump to conclusions. But being able to be patient and to understand other people’s feelings is one of the reasons why I’m here today, working with the students.”
Ahmed Mohamed, Pastoral Director
This advice is a great reminder for students to embrace their time and the opportunities they receive here with open arms and smile.
Advice is there to remind people to believe in themselves. It can be a driving force that encourages people to seek out opportunities for themselves and to treat others kindly. We think the above advice contains some great messages, which are made even better by the fact they can be applied to so many situations!