Trading Success As Students Achieve Top 6% Results In Bloomberg Global Trading Challenge

What could you do with $1,000,000 on the stock exchange? Probably not quite as much as our high-flying teams at Guildhouse School who entered The Global Trading Challenge and managed to place in the top 6% across the entire competition.

One team from Guildhouse, CL Brazil, managed to rank 106th out of a staggering 2007 teams taking part. What’s more is that most of the competing teams in the trading competition were from Universities.

“It is great for students to work together in small teams, analyse companies and collaborate to come up with a strategy that they agree on and work towards. It also gives a great opportunity for students to use the Bloomberg Terminal whilst working towards a goal.”

Christopher Cernuschi, Assistant Principal - Projects and Outcomes, Guildhouse School London

The Global Trading Challenge

The Global Trading Challenge is a competition created by Bloomberg for Education. During the event teams of students compete against others from around the world to experience, first hand, what real world investment looks and feels like.

Teams taking part use professional Bloomberg Terminals, such as those featured in Guildhouse’s own Bloomberg Business Lab, to define market assumptions, develop a strategy to create a return on investment, and execute trades within a closed network.

Students are provided a virtual $1,000,000 to spend on stock from at least six companies from anywhere in the world. Trades are logged on the Bloomberg Terminal and students can make changes to their positions as a team throughout the month long contest.

55 students from Guildhouse School London formed 13 teams, each lead by a student studying financial trading.

The top team from the school CL Brazil achieved 106th out of 2007 teams which put them within the top 6% of the world. They made an absolute return on their investments of 8% in one month. This is the best result Guildhouse School has received since taking part in the event.

Over half of the teams who took part in the event placed in the top 40% in the world, beating teams from some well-regarded universities.

Guildhouse for Business

Join us at Guildhouse School London to get hands on experience with real financial tools. Guildhouse School is where change makers are made.