Graduation at Guildhouse School

Clear skies above and golden sunshine beaming down on London made Friday 10th May a wonderful day to graduate.

Students from Year 13 prepared to formally mark the end of their studies at Guildhouse School. Our corridors were filled with anticipation, although none of the year groups were quite as excited as our graduating year.

Our graduation ceremony was held at Mary Ward House in Bloomsbury. Our students arrived with their families and teachers, who filled up the audience space. After two years of tireless studying, hard work, and dedication Guildhouse School Students were ready to graduate.

As they crossed the graduation stage, proud of everything they have achieved, students were looking towards the future. Many of Guildhouse School’s students will be continuing their education at top UK universities, where they will read a variety of subjects from business, economics, engineering and the arts, as they take another step on their journey to becoming the change makers of tomorrow.

As well as certificates to remember their time, speeches were given to commemorate our departing students and send them off with well wishes and fond memories. Our guest speaker was, Dr Iris Efthymiou, who is an author, speaker, CEO and more. She shared her story with our students and inspired them to continue in their pursuit of knowledge throughout university and beyond.

Graduation was a brilliant experience for everyone involved. Guildhouse School are pleased to say good luck and goodbye to our 2024 Year 13 students. We are certain the memory of graduation will stay with them throughout their future endeavours.

Where Change Makers Are Made

At Guildhouse School we instill our students with the belief they can change the world and teach them the knowledge they need to do it.