Movement for Mental Health in London

Movement is the theme for Mental Health Awareness Week 2024. Physical activity has many benefits for mental and physical health. Exercise releases “feel good” hormones that boost your mood and help to reduce stress and anxiety. It also helps improve sleep, which is also important for mental health.

May and June are the busy exam seasons in the UK. Movement can be a great way to manage exam anxieties. For more tips on managing exam stress, read our top tips from students.

basketball movement

At Guildhouse School, students have many options for movement for their mental and physical health. We offer basketball, football, swimming, badminton and volleyball as extracurricular activities. Students can have fun playing with their friends, which is a great way to both socialise and exercise – releasing all the “feel good” hormones that can reduce stress and boost our mood. 

London also offers many unique opportunities for movement inside and outside.

Regent’s Park 

Located in the heart of London, Regent’s Park is a green oasis in the busy city. A leisurely walk in the park can be a relaxing break from studying and city life. The park also offers extensive sports facilities with spaces for football, rounders and tennis. Rowing boats and pedalos are also available to hire in spring and summer. These water-based movement activities can be fun ways to get some gentle exercise. 


Dance, Yoga and Pilates 

 All three activities have mood boosting and stress releasing benefits making them great movement for mental health activities. Classes from the beginner to advanced level can be found near Guildhouse School.

If lifting weights, running on the treadmill or using the rowing machine helps clear your head and boost your mood, there is likely to be an appropriate gym near school. There is even a free, outdoor gym area within walking distance – perfect for warm, sunny days!

Park Runs

Park Run is a free, weekly 2k or 5k run in open spaces around the world. There are over 50 Park Runs in London alone with the nearest in Highbury Fields and Regent’s Park. 

Other Resources

Movement is great for mental health, but there are many other resources for managing feelings of stress and anxiety.  We have collected our favourites from the Mental Health Awareness Week website for you to explore. Including: wellbeing activities, breathing exercises, mental health tips and more.